Thursday 27 February 2014

Birthday gift ideas for men

Be it  your husband, friend or could be quite tricky to find a birthday gift for a men.  After researching appropriate birthday gift ideas for men it became apparent that men are always assumed to be on the giving side of gifts, which is quite unfair.  Most women complain that they never see their men (husbands, brothers etc) using any of the gifts they buy them.  It is needless to mention the fighting and bad blood that takes place because of this.

If only we'd take some time and research the best birthday gift ideas for men none of the squabbling would take place and everyone would be happy.  One of the best places to search for an appropriate gift would be Amazon.


It is important that you take some time to figure out your men's interests and hobbies, things that he wishes for etc.  There is a tendency for people to buy people gifts that they like without taking due diligence and find out if they will hold any relevance and meaning to the recipient.

Most importantly, never buy your husband or anyone for that matter a book that suggests that they need to improve or change. I'm talking about book titles like: "HOW TO BE A BETTER HUSBAND". That would be quite a destroyer in your relationship believe me.

What do I consider as good birthday gift ideas for men?

There are no hard and fast rule, a little checklist would help you discover what each person wants as a gift:

Is he the sporty type?.. If so, you can be creative and get him his favorite team's shirt printed in his name.
What does he watch most on television...this may help you understand his interests more.
Is he the sentimental type?
Does his job require him to be formal all the time?

You need to drill down and not limit yourself to the above teasers.  These are mean't to be triggers as you are looking for the best birthday ideas for men.

Why a gift ideas resource online?

Gift giving can be a difficult thing to do as you will need to make sure that you are appropriate in your gift giving.  You may have watched those movies whereby the lady becomes furious because the husband has bought her a blender as a birthday gift...or the disgruntled domestic worker who get an apron from her boss?

I'm sure you get the picture now and starting to understanding that not all gifts are created equal. The right gift to buy depends on a number of things:

1.  The type of relationship you have with the it a formal/business or personal relationship?
2.  Is it for a husband, boyfriend, relative or a friend?
3.  What is the occasion that is being celebrated?

Not so straightforward it? This website will give you gift ideas so that your good gestures do not turn into a fight instead (I've seen it happen a gazillion time, believe me).


1.  Gift ideas for men (various occasions and by relationships)
2.  Gift ideas for women
3.  Appropriate gift for kids
4.  Appropriate corporate gifts

This is just the tip of the iceberg as the culture of gift giving spreads like wild fire.  I hope you find what you are looking for on this site.
If the site has helped you in anyway, feel free to share using the buttons below.